
goship.it is now open source,
see the repository here

Go Ship . it

    The component library to

    give your Go applications

    a running start

Now updated to DaisyUI5

  • Updated changed class names
  • Refactored Input-component
  • Removed Form-component. Just use DaisyUI directly
  • Removed Join-component. Just use DaisyUI directly
  • Removed Stack-component. Just use DaisyUI directly


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Tailwind CSS icon


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Develop with the stack you love and go ship it

goship.it is a Golang + Templ + HTMX (+ TailwindCSS + DaisyUI) component library that enables you to quickly develop an application using the GOTH stack, and put it in the hands of potential customers as quickly as possible.

The library contains DaisyUI components translated into Templ components that can be easily customized using both TailwindCSS and DaisyUI.

Examples here use Echo as the router. For usage with other routers or frameworks, refer to the integration guides found at templ.guide to see examples of rendering in different frameworks/libraries.