

This is a collection of types (structs) that the components use as input arguments. We’re using structs as they provide a convenient way to pass default values to the components; struct fields initialize to the respective type’s default value. We can use this feature to make some of the fields of a struct optional. For example, we can pass the model.Anchor argument to an anchor element, <a>:

templ Anchor(anchor model.Anchor) {
        if anchor.Href != "" {
            href={ anchor.Href }
        { anchor.Attrs... }
        if anchor.Icon != nil {
        { anchor.Label }

Here we can define the anchor element to optinally have an href attribute, or if we choose, a hx-get instead:

@Anchor(model.Anchor{Href: "/"})
@Anchor(model.Anchor{Attrs: templ.Attributes{"hx-get": "/"}})

The types

You can place these types in a file e.g. internal/model/components.go for easily accessing the correct type for each component.

package model

import (

type Anchor struct {
	Href  string
	Label string
	Icon  templ.Component
	Attrs templ.Attributes

type Button struct {
	Label string
	Attrs templ.Attributes

type Card struct {
	Title   string
	Content string
	Source  string
	Alt     string

type Checkbox struct {
	Label   string
	Name    string
	Checked bool
	Class   string
	Attrs   templ.Attributes

type CompanyInfo struct {
	Icon        templ.Component
	Name        string
	Description string
	Copyright   string

type DropdownItem struct {
	Label string
	Attrs templ.Attributes

type Feature struct {
	Icon        templ.Component
	Title       string
	Description string
	URL         string

type Image struct {
	Source string
	Alt    string

type Input struct {
	Label   string
	Name    string
	Value   string
	Err     string
	Small   bool
	Attrs   templ.Attributes
	Classes string
	Icon    templ.Component

type PaginationItem struct {
	URL      string
	Page     int
	Low      int
	High     int
	MaxPages int

type Price struct {
	Title            string
	Description      string
	Price            string
	Per              string
	IncludedFeatures []string
	ExcludedFeatures []string
	CallToAction     Button
	Footer           templ.Component

type Range struct {
	Label string
	Name  string
	Value int
	Min   int
	Max   int
	Step  int
	Class string

type Rating struct {
	Name  string
	Min   int
	Max   int
	Class string

type Script struct {
	Source string
	Defer  bool

type Select struct {
	Label   string
	Name    string
	Options []SelectOption
	Attrs   templ.Attributes

type SelectOption struct {
	Label    string
	Value    string
	Selected bool
	Disabled bool

type Stat struct {
	Title       string
	Value       string
	Description string

type Textarea struct {
	Label string
	Name  string
	Value string
	Rows  int
	Err   string
	Class string
	Attrs templ.Attributes

type TimelineItem struct {
	Start  string
	Middle templ.Component
	End    string

type Toggle struct {
	Before    string
	After     string
	Name      string
	Checked   bool
	Class     string
	Highlight bool
	Attrs     templ.Attributes